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Aristolochia schippii Standl.

Schipp's Pipevine
twining liana > 5 m
cauliflorous, 5-7 cm, odour barely noticeable
Mexico, Belize, El Salvador, ...
tiny, thick-shelle and nearly oval, small elaiosome
This species vegetatively belongs to the very largest of this genus! If provided with sufficient nutrients, water and humidity the leathery, orange-veined leaves can reach dimensions of more than 40 x 25 cm. In most cases, however, it will stay smaller and adapt to normal air humidity by producing smaller, waxy leaves.
Breaking a leaf or cutting parts back causes the plant to emit a very special scent - not smelling disgusting as some flowers of Aristolochia do but somehow strange yet aromatic.
The flowers appear in clusters (racemes) out of the older parts of the woody stem, a characteristic feature attributed to the subseries Anthocaulicae of the section Gymnolobus.
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